The three member National Mediation Board made it easier for unions to organize by changing the rule to require only a majority of those voting rather than a majority of the total workforce. The Air Transport Association is expected to challenge the changes in court. This rule change will make voting by all employees even […]
SEIU and Michelle Obama’s Obesity Campaign

Unions, Unions, Unions… The well-intended program to feed poor kids has morphed into an untouchable universal entitlement with a powerful school lunch lobbying coalition of Department of Agriculture bureaucrats, food-service industry executives, and union bosses. Michelle Malkin lays it all out in this interesting article concerning Michelle Obama’s obesity campaign. Here is another great point […]
Obama Forgets Unions Are Special Interests

Red State points out the credibility gap when it comes to special interests groups in politics. Unions are one of the most powerful special interest groups in the United States. It seems every piece of legislation from the administration has a Union payoff neatly tucked away inside the language. …while Obama expects us to hate […]