The irony is rich. The new director of the CIA takes the Oath of Office on a Constitution missing the Bill of Rights. From Yahoo Politics – Hours after CIA Director John Brennan took the oath of office—behind closed doors, far away from the press, perhaps befitting his status as America’s top spy—the White House took pains […]
2. Politics
The DEMS Still Don’t Get It… or Maybe They Do

Most of Democrat politicians state the November elections show voters want both sides of the aisle to cooperate and “reach across the aisle” going forward. Either they are completely out of touch, in denial, or they are trying to frame the election to suit their agenda. What could be the agenda of the Democrats? To […]
National Debt Surpasses $14 Trillion – Good Job!

Woo Hoo!!! We just passed $14 Trillion! Oh… wait… That’s a bad thing. It is amazing the politicians are finally deciding debt could be a problem. Where have they been for the last 40 years? Oh… that’s right… spending our money on their political cronies and pork projects. And what is the solution from our […]
The Tuscon… uh… Memorial?

After watching Obama (34 minutes) and the rest of the Tuscon Memorial Program early this morning, I also watched Bill Clinton’s speech (9 minutes) from the Oklahoma Memorial and George Bush’s remarks (6 minutes) at Virgina Tech. There is a very, very sharp contrast in the tone and content of yesterday’s service and the remarks […]
The President Sets the Tone for the Country

Obama admonished everyone to stop trying to blame particular people for the shooting. Next one to do it publicly, should get a major slap down from the leaders. Imagine the GOP and DEM Senate Leaders standing together at the podium reprimanding one of their own in a meaningful way. Doubt it. Some members of the […]
France, Spain Want a Global Tax for Poverty

Now they want to take the entitlement mentality GLOBAL? How long before the top 20% of earners in the United States are vilified into paying 80% of this tax too? It’s bad enough that 50% of the taxpayers in the United States pay nothing or get a check back. Let’s go global with it – […]
Obama’s Arrogance Must come from his Aunt Zeituni

The audacity of this women to say these things after we paid for her medical bills. CBS Boston has an article titled, Aunt Zeituni: ‘The System Took Advantage Of Me’ with these gems in it. If I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen. I didn’t take advantage of […]
Idiots on Parade Regarding AZ Law

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano slams a law she hasn’t read. PJ Crowley, Asst. Secretary of State, slammed the law when discussing human rights with China. He has not read the law either. Eric Holder can’t admit that radical Islam may be a factor in terrorists attacks. He could not even say the words. […]
Blumenthal’s Vietnam Service In Doubt

AG Blumenthal says he served in Vietnam. Not so according to many sources. “We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam,” Mr. Blumenthal said… “When we returned, we saw nothing like this,” Mr. Blumenthal said. “Let us do better by this generation of men and women.” How did he think […]
Media Ignores Teacher’s Call for Revolution

“There’s 40 million potential revolutionaries north of the border, inside the belly of the beast,” Los Angeles high school history teacher Ron Gochez told a frenzied crowd. If that is not inciting violence, then what is it? points out the lack of Main Stream Medea coverage concerning this advocate of violence against the government. […]