Press Secretary Robert Gibbs refuses to answer questions on allegations of a job offered to U.S. Rep Joe Sestak to not run against Senator Arlen Spector in Pennsylvania. He would not even offer to get more information on the job offer. Sounds like he might be worried about this answer being used against the White […]
Arizona Retaliatory Power Boycott Of L.A.

How’s that boycott working for you, Los Angeles? In a letter to the city of LA, a member of Arizona’s power commission said he would ask Arizona utility companies to cut off the power supply to Los Angeles. LA gets about 25 percent of its power from Arizona. Los Angeles doesn’t want to do business […]
Obama Asks For Papers Without Lawful Contact?

Seniors at Kalamazoo Central High School are being asked to provide their birth dates, Social Security numbers and citizen status to the Secret Service so background checks could be performed. Why? The President is coming to their commencement next month. So, it is OK for the President to “ask for zee papers, please” for no […]
Idiots on Parade Regarding AZ Law

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano slams a law she hasn’t read. PJ Crowley, Asst. Secretary of State, slammed the law when discussing human rights with China. He has not read the law either. Eric Holder can’t admit that radical Islam may be a factor in terrorists attacks. He could not even say the words. […]
76 Year Old Labor Rule Changed by Three Person Board

The three member National Mediation Board made it easier for unions to organize by changing the rule to require only a majority of those voting rather than a majority of the total workforce. The Air Transport Association is expected to challenge the changes in court. This rule change will make voting by all employees even […]
Obama’s Do As I Say, Not As I Do Healthy Diet

President Obama again shows his hypocritical side, eating chicken wings, cheeseburgers, and pie, in addition to ultra expensive Wagyu beef. It would seem that Michelle and Barack ask us to do what they will not. Barack and Michelle stand on the soapbox, telling everyone else what to do without actually doing what they espouse. They […]
Bankrupting the Country One Month at a Time

Reuters is reporting The United States posted an $82.69 billion deficit in April, nearly four times the $20.91 billion shortfall registered in April 2009 and the largest on record for that month, the Treasury Department said on Wednesday. During Obama’s tenure as President, the government has posted deficits every month. If any other CEO were […]
Obama Nominee’s Radical Agenda for Healthcare

Obama nominee believes …any health care funding plan that is just, equitable, civilized, and humane must, must redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and the less fortunate. Excellent health care is by definition re-distributional. President Obama has nominated Donald Berwick as the head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services […]
Why Kagan Should Not be Confirmed to SCOTUS

UPDATE: Check out Kagan’s College Thesis lamenting the fall of socialism in New York City. First, and foremost, any judicial nominee rebuked 8-0 in a case argued before the Supreme Court is unworthy to serve on that Court. Kagan was goose egged trying to justify her decision to not allow the military to recruit on […]
Obama the Uninformed Hypocrite

During his Hampton University Commencement Address, our President showed he is a true tyrant and hypocrite in a very eloquent manner. Let’s review a few of the statements he made as reported in the news: You’re coming of age in a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us […]