Spending is up 2.7% for FY 2103 and is 40% higher than just six years ago. Obama would have us believe any “draconian” cuts will lead to the end of the world. From Newsbusters… These days, the apparent definition of “austerity” is “trying to level off spending now that it’s almost 40% higher than it was […]
Obama Administration – Don’t Contradict the Sequester Pain!!!

There can be no denying Obama and his minions are more concerned with their narrative being correct than the impact on the citizens. In the end, they are willing to punish Americans because the ends justify the means. Their cause is more important than the well being of the people they represent. From the Washington […]
New CIA Director Takes Oath on Constitution Without Bill of Rights

The irony is rich. The new director of the CIA takes the Oath of Office on a Constitution missing the Bill of Rights. From Yahoo Politics – Hours after CIA Director John Brennan took the oath of office—behind closed doors, far away from the press, perhaps befitting his status as America’s top spy—the White House took pains […]
The Tuscon… uh… Memorial?

After watching Obama (34 minutes) and the rest of the Tuscon Memorial Program early this morning, I also watched Bill Clinton’s speech (9 minutes) from the Oklahoma Memorial and George Bush’s remarks (6 minutes) at Virgina Tech. There is a very, very sharp contrast in the tone and content of yesterday’s service and the remarks […]
The President Sets the Tone for the Country

Obama admonished everyone to stop trying to blame particular people for the shooting. Next one to do it publicly, should get a major slap down from the leaders. Imagine the GOP and DEM Senate Leaders standing together at the podium reprimanding one of their own in a meaningful way. Doubt it. Some members of the […]
The DEM Mentality and Your Money…

The New York Times highlights the chasm between GOP and DEM mentality. The core difference between the GOP and the DEM parties can be summed up simply. The GOP believes your income is yours and some is needed to pay for limited government. The DEM leadership believes every dollar is the government’s first and you […]
Obama’s Arrogance Must come from his Aunt Zeituni

The audacity of this women to say these things after we paid for her medical bills. CBS Boston has an article titled, Aunt Zeituni: ‘The System Took Advantage Of Me’ with these gems in it. If I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen. I didn’t take advantage of […]
Shining a Light on Lunacy

Give Fox news some credit. They were first to report the comments made by NASA Director, Charles Bolden, concerning the priority of Muslim outreach for the space program. Their follow up article beat the MSM again. Another ridiculous initiative squashed by good reporting.
Kagan – Clinton – Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Veto Papers

The debate then (1997) had been on whether the partial-birth abortion procedure was done for health reasons for the mother or essentially on healthy unborn children for elective reasons only… Planned Parenthood and NARAL made claims that flew in the face of medical practice by saying the three-day-long abortion procedure would somehow be able to […]
Obama… Sir Paul, Soccer Champs, Yes – Brewer… Finally OK!

UPDATE: Obama says he will meet with Jan Brewer on Thursday. Red State notes Obama has no time for AZ Gov. Jan Brewer, but makes plenty of time for dictators. …if it is in our national security interests Mr. Obama will at least have a conversation. When it comes to border security and Jan Brewer, […]