The debate then (1997) had been on whether the partial-birth abortion procedure was done for health reasons for the mother or essentially on healthy unborn children for elective reasons only… Planned Parenthood and NARAL made claims that flew in the face of medical practice by saying the three-day-long abortion procedure would somehow be able to […]
elena kagan
Kagan Has Second Amendment Contradictions

To Thurgood Marshall, the man’s “sole contention is that the District of Columbia’s firearms statutes violate his constitutional right to ‘keep and bear arms,’” Kagan wrote. “I’m not sympathetic.” She urged him to vote against hearing the man’s appeal in the case. Yet, when it came time to be confirmed as Solicitor General, she changed […]
Why Kagan Should Not be Confirmed to SCOTUS

UPDATE: Check out Kagan’s College Thesis lamenting the fall of socialism in New York City. First, and foremost, any judicial nominee rebuked 8-0 in a case argued before the Supreme Court is unworthy to serve on that Court. Kagan was goose egged trying to justify her decision to not allow the military to recruit on […]