Spending is up 2.7% for FY 2103 and is 40% higher than just six years ago. Obama would have us believe any “draconian” cuts will lead to the end of the world. From Newsbusters… These days, the apparent definition of “austerity” is “trying to level off spending now that it’s almost 40% higher than it was […]
budget deficit
The DEMS Still Don’t Get It… or Maybe They Do

Most of Democrat politicians state the November elections show voters want both sides of the aisle to cooperate and “reach across the aisle” going forward. Either they are completely out of touch, in denial, or they are trying to frame the election to suit their agenda. What could be the agenda of the Democrats? To […]
Bankrupting the Country One Month at a Time

Reuters is reporting The United States posted an $82.69 billion deficit in April, nearly four times the $20.91 billion shortfall registered in April 2009 and the largest on record for that month, the Treasury Department said on Wednesday. During Obama’s tenure as President, the government has posted deficits every month. If any other CEO were […]