CBO Forecasts Over $200 Billion Deficit for February

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Spending is up 2.7% for FY 2103 and is 40% higher than just six years ago.  Obama would have us believe any “draconian” cuts will lead to the end of the world.

From Newsbusters

These days, the apparent definition of “austerity” is “trying to level off spending now that it’s almost 40% higher than it was just six years ago.” The press never, ever reports on how long-term spending has exploded, but instead assumes, as does the administration, that the current level of spending is the new normal, and that any attempt to reduce its growth trajectory will cause unspeakable hardship.

CBO: Feb. Deficit Will Be Over $200 Billion; Year-to-Date Spending Up Over Last Year

Photo Credit:  Copyright 2013, Paul Lauschke III, All rights reserved.