BREAKING… President Trump outdoes Obama by joining Navy commanders on secret mission to destroy North Korean Nuclear Program. Trump denies media claims parachute jump into hostile territory of North Korea was grandstanding photo op. Says Live Stream of mission on Twitter shows he was all business… as seen by the beautiful, fabulous, yuge war […]
2. Politics
I wish he would say this… Donald Trump Jr to Senate Committee

I WROTE THE STATEMENT FOR DONALD Jr. TO GIVE TO SENATE… “Thank you for inviting me to speak to you today. I look forward to clearing up any misconceptions about my meeting with a Russian lawyer. As you know, at the time, I was a private citizen although my father was running in the Republican […]

WHAT THEY SAY TO THE MEDIA… At the Obama White House… …fears among some that intelligence could be covered up or destroyed — or its sources exposed — once power changed hands. What followed was a push to preserve the intelligence that underscored the deep anxiety with which the White House and American intelligence agencies […]
Anti-ID Dems Required Rigorous Verification Process For DNC Chairmanship Vote Count

oh the irony…. hypocrites… and wifi problems… cue the Russian hackers and voter suppression crowd… “We have to make sure that we can not just count the ballots but verify every name and signature…And I want to make sure that at the conclusion of all of our votes, that you, the members of this party, […]