6. Health and Nutrition
Jonathan Gruber – STATUS – DISAVOWED –

Jonathan Gruber, MIT Professor, Obamacare Architect, Income Bracket: 1% Taxpayer funded health-care-consulting-fees: $5,886,150 $103,500 from the U.S. Department of State $392,000 from the state of Minnesota $392,600 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources $400,000 from the state of Vermont $400,000 from the state of Wisconsin $481,050 from the state of Michigan […]
Work Hours Getting Cut due to Obamacare

Another negative consequence of Obamacare that was pointed out by conservatives, but ignored. The article gives birth to another great catchphrase, “If you like your workweek, you can’t necessarily keep it, either.” From the article: The survey by Public Opinion Strategies found: Some 31 percent of franchise businesses and 12 percent of non-franchise businesses say they […]
DEMS and the ACA Grandfather Clause – They knew all along millions would lose their plans!

Very disappointed with the DC DEM politicians that are clamoring for changes to the grandfather clause of the ACA. They knew all along people would lose their plans and now they are shocked, shocked, to find out what is in it. They are compounding the earlier lies with the claims of ignorance now. Either way, […]
Three Years Later and We Are Finding Out What Is In The Healthcare Bill

Rising premiums, increased taxes, mountains of regulations, religious freedoms curbed, expensive subsidies, loss of coverage, employer job losses, and doctors planning on retiring are just a few of the unexpected (to the uniformed) consequences of Obamacare. Is any thinking person surprised the bill of goods being sold by Obama and the Democrats was false? The Wall Street […]
Elitist Mayor Bloomberg on Soda Ban, Styrofoam Ban, Forced Exercise, and Jet Owners in Homeless Shelters

The $27 Billion Man, aka Mayor Bloomberg, seems to know the soda ban won’t accomplish anything. He must not be concerned with the additional cups making their way to the landfills even though he wants to ban Styrofoam too. He even believes people are flying their private jets to Kennedy airport in order that they […]
Here comes the pain… Obamacare tax increases

The list of tax increases under the Obama Health Care Plane is long as the American for Tax Reform website shows. So much for the pledge of no taxes on those making under $150,000 per year. The graduated fines are interesting. The penalties are now tied to income? Photo Credit: Chuck Kennedy, Official White House […]
“No Refusal” DUI Check Points Unconstitutional?

Don’t get me wrong about drunk drivers – BAD, BAD, BAD!!! But doesn’t a driver have a right to counsel? And what if you still refuse? It means if you refuse a breath test during a traffic stop, a judge is on site, and issues a warrant that allows police to perform a mandatory […]