Over the course of several months, I was able to shoot pictures of a lowland gorilla and her newborn baby. Mom was keenly aware of the crowds she and baby attracted to her exhibit. Dad and sis helped with baby to provide some great photos.
1. General News
Whistler Red Bull Elevation Tour Photos Still Amaze…

The RiverBend2000.com Photo Gallery has some great shots of the Whistler Red Bull Elevation Tour from the summer of 2007. I am still amazed at what the guys on the bikes pulled off during the course of the competition. They can be viewed as a slide show or in gallery form. These guys are daring, […]
Sen. Sessions: President Obama Wants Judges to ‘Promote Agenda’

ABC News is reporting Senator Jeff Sessions (R) is stating one of the most important issues regarding Supreme Court Nominees. Do we want judges that interpret the law based upon the “original intent” or “living document” philosophy. No activists judges. The decisions of the Supreme Court impact too many people. One activist judge should not […]
Ben Nelson (D), Harry Reid (D) Vote Against Forwarding Financial Reform

The debate has been stalled out again with a 57 to 41 vote against. Harry Reid switched his vote to a “NO” while the GOP held ranks to stop the bill from moving forward… Shelby aides said he wants to tighten language that he believes would give the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance […]
First Lady Requires More Than Twenty Attendants

The new count is up to 26 attendants. The annual cost to taxpayers for such unprecedented attention is approximately $1,750,000 without taking into account the expense of the lavish benefit packages afforded to every attendant. The sense of entitlement is disturbing.
Some Great Photos of Playa Del Carmen, Mexico

Great times in Playa del Carmen, Mexico exploring the sites and enjoying the local hospitality.
Unions will dodge O’s health tax

Unions will dodge the new health care tax on “Cadillac” plans The sweetheart deal, hammered out behind closed doors, will save union employees at least $60 billion over the years involved, while others won’t be as lucky — they’ll have to cough up almost $90 billion. Nothing but a political payoff to the unions.
Taxpayers pay $101,000 for Pelosi’s in-flight ‘food, booze’

Is it asking too much for them to VOTE FOR SOMEONE ELSE. This article is all you need to know. “Speaker Pelosi has a history of wasting taxpayer funds with her boorish demands for military travel,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said today. “And these documents suggest the Speaker’s congressional delegations are more about partying […]
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We’ve updated the site with a better interface to make browsing our site a breeze.
Pro Illegal Immigrant Groups Stones Police

What can be said about this video? Did not see any of this at any Tea Party Rallies. Fox News has actual video of real acts of violence. Still waiting for any video of Tea Party participants using racial slurs during the health care bill March.