Try this type of business model and see how it works. Even with the unrealistic information provided by the administration, the spending is unsustainable. The conclusion must be the politicians are too stupid, don’t care or they are purposely trying to destroy the country. Investor’s Business Daily has a great article outlining the coming financial […]
1. General News
MSM Silent about Halliburton No-Bid Contract

Where’s the outrage from the Main Stream Media concerning the no bid contract awarded to KBR? If President Bush were still in office, the personal assaults would be relentless. Forget about the fact that Halliburton’s KBR division is the best choice for this contract. Facts never mattered during President Bush’s Administration. Facts don’t seem to […]
Homage to Mammas, Part Two

Moms are special. This weekend is the time to show you know it. Here are my pictures of mom and baby. It was very lucky to have pictures of a baby gorilla nursing from mom. Not too many places on the web have a photo like the one on this page. Another special moment was […]
Homage to Mommas…

Mother’s Day is in a few days, so let’s get in the spirit with a few tender mother and child photos. Remember mom and appreciate her this weekend and every other day! One thing I have learned from Keith Wedoe’s photography is that I will never be able to produce anything near as cool as […]
Obama Forgets Unions Are Special Interests

Red State points out the credibility gap when it comes to special interests groups in politics. Unions are one of the most powerful special interest groups in the United States. It seems every piece of legislation from the administration has a Union payoff neatly tucked away inside the language. …while Obama expects us to hate […]
Obama Calls for Tolerance. Where’s HIS?

President Obama delivered the commencement at the University of Michigan, stressing the need to open up to opposing views. Perhaps he should practice what he preaches. has great article with references to the articles on their website that contradict his own statement of tolerance toward other viewpoints. From Obama’s commencement speech: “[T]he practice of […]
Some Photos Never Get Old…

There are some photos that I never get tired of seeing. Sometimes I am just in the right place at the right time and something magical happens. If you notice our Eagle Photos from Keith Wedoe, you will see tons of examples of what I mean. Today I want to share a few of my […]
Any Doubt Keith Wedoe is the Best Eagle Photographer Around?

Over the years, Keith has taken some of the most stunning photographs of American Bald Eagles in the RiverBend, or anywhere else for that matter. His work is well known on the web when it comes to Eagle Photos. They are viewed by people all over the world. RiverBend 2000 hosts some of his photo […]
GM Paying Back Uncle Sam With His Money to Shake Him Down For More

From the try this at your business and see how it works out. GM has been running ads and op-eds proclaiming the repayment of the Government Bailout money. This is truthful in the most technical sense of the word payback. Just not quite the payback Mr. Whitacre expounded on in his op-ed and ad campaign. […]
Mexico Issues Travel Warning for Arizona Over Law

In a very revealing statement Janet Reno summed up the Administration and Democrat position on Illegal Immigration. She feels State Laws giving authorities the ability to work in conjunction with Federal Law Enforcement are a drain on resources. They are too troubled with “serious crimes”. What could be more serious than stealing the most precious […]