Don’t get me wrong about drunk drivers – BAD, BAD, BAD!!! But doesn’t a driver have a right to counsel? And what if you still refuse? It means if you refuse a breath test during a traffic stop, a judge is on site, and issues a warrant that allows police to perform a mandatory […]
1. General News
Where is Outrage over Gas Prices?

Seems you could not hear enough about the rising cost of fuel when George W. Bush was in office. When the price was $1.73 all hell broke loose on Capital Hill. Heads needed to roll. Profits needed to be confiscated. Gasoline prices at the pumps have topped $3.00 per gallon, but the national media outlets […]
Picketing Westboro Baptist Would Be Welcome…

One can only be disappointed with the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka. The Extremist group plans an appearance for the Bethalto funeral of one of the RiverBend’s lost sons. Thank goodness the Patriot Guard and plenty of area residents will be on hand. Flags are lining the funeral route to show support for the family. […]
Sad Day for the Fourth Amendment

The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting the California Supreme Court OKs searches of cell phones without a warrant . The court ruled defendants lose their privacy rights for any items they are carrying. The court relied on search of cigarette packages. By extension, computers are fair game. Monday’s decision allows police “to rummage at leisure […]
Taxes Paid by Each Income Bracket Spell Doom…

The tipping point is here…. When 50% of the population pays no income tax, it’s all down hill from there.
France, Spain Want a Global Tax for Poverty

Now they want to take the entitlement mentality GLOBAL? How long before the top 20% of earners in the United States are vilified into paying 80% of this tax too? It’s bad enough that 50% of the taxpayers in the United States pay nothing or get a check back. Let’s go global with it – […]
Obama’s Arrogance Must come from his Aunt Zeituni

The audacity of this women to say these things after we paid for her medical bills. CBS Boston has an article titled, Aunt Zeituni: ‘The System Took Advantage Of Me’ with these gems in it. If I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen. I didn’t take advantage of […]
Shining a Light on Lunacy

Give Fox news some credit. They were first to report the comments made by NASA Director, Charles Bolden, concerning the priority of Muslim outreach for the space program. Their follow up article beat the MSM again. Another ridiculous initiative squashed by good reporting.
Kagan – Clinton – Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Veto Papers

The debate then (1997) had been on whether the partial-birth abortion procedure was done for health reasons for the mother or essentially on healthy unborn children for elective reasons only… Planned Parenthood and NARAL made claims that flew in the face of medical practice by saying the three-day-long abortion procedure would somehow be able to […]
Morris: Obama Doesn’t Have a Clue

He doesn’t know how to stop the oil from spilling. He is bereft of ideas about how to create jobs in the aftermath of the recession. He has no idea how to keep the European financial crisis contained. He has no program for repaying the massive debt hole into which he has dug our nation […]