Most of Democrat politicians state the November elections show voters want both sides of the aisle to cooperate and “reach across the aisle” going forward. Either they are completely out of touch, in denial, or they are trying to frame the election to suit their agenda. What could be the agenda of the Democrats? To […]
1. General News
National Debt Surpasses $14 Trillion – Good Job!

Woo Hoo!!! We just passed $14 Trillion! Oh… wait… That’s a bad thing. It is amazing the politicians are finally deciding debt could be a problem. Where have they been for the last 40 years? Oh… that’s right… spending our money on their political cronies and pork projects. And what is the solution from our […]
Russian Immigrants Leave ‘Socialist’ Democrat Party

Even the Russian immigrants that moved to the United States understand the Democrats are moving toward full fledged socialism, if not communism. They’ve seen the effects of Big Brother and Government Control up close and personal. Now they are organizing with the Republicans in an effort to thwart the onslaught of the Democrat’s Big Government […]
Here comes the pain… Obamacare tax increases

The list of tax increases under the Obama Health Care Plane is long as the American for Tax Reform website shows. So much for the pledge of no taxes on those making under $150,000 per year. The graduated fines are interesting. The penalties are now tied to income? Photo Credit: Chuck Kennedy, Official White House […]
The Tuscon… uh… Memorial?

After watching Obama (34 minutes) and the rest of the Tuscon Memorial Program early this morning, I also watched Bill Clinton’s speech (9 minutes) from the Oklahoma Memorial and George Bush’s remarks (6 minutes) at Virgina Tech. There is a very, very sharp contrast in the tone and content of yesterday’s service and the remarks […]
The President Sets the Tone for the Country

Obama admonished everyone to stop trying to blame particular people for the shooting. Next one to do it publicly, should get a major slap down from the leaders. Imagine the GOP and DEM Senate Leaders standing together at the podium reprimanding one of their own in a meaningful way. Doubt it. Some members of the […]
U.S. Actual Unemployment Rate Still Around 18%

The headlines numbers are around 9% unemployment, but that doesn’t include underemployed. Include those and the rate doubles for the American job market. Gallup breaks down the numbers. In a nutshell, the picture is still ugly. Whatever the government reports about unemployment on Friday, Gallup’s U.S. underemployment data for the end of 2010 show that […]
It Must Be the Botox That Keeps Pelosi Smiling

How can this woman say the things she does with a straight face? She is proud of her accomplishments as Speaker? She racked up $5.34 Trillion in deficits under her watch. That’s more than the rest of the Speakers combined!!! Let’s not forget what she said in 2007 when she took over as Speaker of […]
The DEM Mentality and Your Money…

The New York Times highlights the chasm between GOP and DEM mentality. The core difference between the GOP and the DEM parties can be summed up simply. The GOP believes your income is yours and some is needed to pay for limited government. The DEM leadership believes every dollar is the government’s first and you […]
If the President Really Wants to Set a Good Example

Forget calling Michael Vick. Call the people that are rehabilitating the dogs he abused, Mr. President. They are waiting to hear from YOU!!! …all of us here at Best Friends are waiting for a call from the White House to congratulate us for giving Vick’s dogs a second chance. I’m quite sure that the other […]