For those of you that don’t know about S & S Sandwich in North Alton next to Norbs… Now you do!!! Don’t miss out on made from scratch soups (award winning) and great fresh, hearty, sandwiches! Simply the best in town! Like them on Facebook too if you want to know daily specials! Their Facebook […]
1. General News
Three Years Later and We Are Finding Out What Is In The Healthcare Bill

Rising premiums, increased taxes, mountains of regulations, religious freedoms curbed, expensive subsidies, loss of coverage, employer job losses, and doctors planning on retiring are just a few of the unexpected (to the uniformed) consequences of Obamacare. Is any thinking person surprised the bill of goods being sold by Obama and the Democrats was false? The Wall Street […]
Easter Egg Roll Possible Cancellation Signals More Petty Punishment from the Administration?

First it was the White House Tours, which we highlighted the other day. Now the Easter Egg Roll at the White House is being used as petty punishment for defying the Great and Powerful O! The memo circulated to members of Congress, as reported by the Washington Post contained this little gem: “Finally, by using these tickets, […]
Taxpayers Clipped for $5.25 Million for Senate Haircuts, Shoe Shines, and Hot Shaves

In this time of budget crisis, why are the taxpayers funding haircuts, shoe shines, and hot shaves for Senators. The $350,000 annual deficit is being targeted by Sergeant at Arms, Terry Gainer. He is using the sequester as the means to cut the expense. Senators like the late Arlen Spector did not seem to understand the […]
Sequester Irony – White House Aides Delinquent on Taxes Along with Obama’s Well Heeled, Connected Friends

Everyone needs to pay their “fair share” according to Obama. Maybe his executive aides should be the first pockets picked for the $833,000 in back taxes. After them, try collecting the $3.5 Billion or so owed by federal employees. Americans are bombarded each day by the President and his minions messages of greed by the “rich” while […]
Obama’s Intruision and Spying on Americans Rivals the Best of Them

Government intrusion into the lives of American citizens is escalating under the Obama administration. The good news is the courts are starting to put a halt to some of these acts. The scope of these acts includes searching bank accounts, phone records, emails, internet searches, website activity, social media, laptops, phones, and other electronic devices. […]
Racial Dysfunction in Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is No Surprise

The Black Panther voter intimidation case is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to political racism at justice. This great article at PJ Media recaps many examples of the blatant disregard for the rule of law when it did not fit Eric Holder’s vision and narrative. This is a must read, but […]
Lies and Contradictions Concerning White House Tours Cancellation

The White House can’t seem to get their stories straight. The White House has cancelled public tours “due to the sequester” until further notice. However, the President’s Press Secretary can’t seem to get everyone on the same page. Obama would have us believe this decision was made without any input or knowledge on his part? […]
Colorado Congressman Does Not Know Her Gun Law Outlaws Almost All Magazines? No Big Deal, Just Comply.

Talk about ignorant politicians that have no clue what they are doing. This is why idiot liberals that don’t know the difference between a semi-automatic gun, full auto guns, belt fed ammo, and magazines should just keep their mouths shut!!! Whatever they do, don’t write laws to govern guns!!! And look at her comments and excuses. Fields told […]
Eric Holder Typifies the Arrogant Attitude Of the Obama Administration

The contempt within the Obama Administration for those opposing their actions is apparent. Fast and Furious is no exception. Had a Republican Administration committed this type of behavior, Obama would be leading the charge for investigation and penalties. Now that he is President… well, that’s different. This statement by Eric Holder concerning the Fast and […]