SEIU and Michelle Obama’s Obesity Campaign


Unions, Unions, Unions…

The well-intended program to feed poor kids has morphed into an untouchable universal entitlement with a powerful school lunch lobbying coalition of Department of Agriculture bureaucrats, food-service industry executives, and union bosses.

Michelle Malkin lays it all out in this interesting article concerning Michelle Obama’s obesity campaign.  Here is another great point from Malkin.

There are 400,000 workers who prepare and serve lunch to American schoolchildren. SEIU represents tens of thousands of those workers and is trying to unionize many more. “More robust expansion” of the federal school lunch law means a mandate for higher wages, increased benefits, and government-guaranteed health insurance coverage (the more luxurious the better now that SEIU has negotiated its Cadillac Tax exemption from the Democrats’ health care takeover bill).

Michelle correctly points out that health and nutrition is the domain of parents, not schools.

Whatever happened to personal responsibility? It is time for people to live within their means.  When people start taking responsibility for their own actions, including not having children they can’t afford to take care of, we will be better off as a country.  It is time to stop incentives for welfare moms to have children via increased entitlements for each child.  It is time for government to stop taking money from those acting responsibly to subsidize those acting irresponsibly.  It is time for government to represent the people, not the lobbyists.  It is time to reduce the number of babies born out of wedlock in the United States below 40%.  It is time to respect the value of a traditional family with regards to the well being of children.

Photo Credit: Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson.